Immacolata School
Preschool - 8th Grade
Home & School Association
Hello Immacolata Parents
We are looking for parents to join the Immacolata Home and School Association [HSA]. HSA provides an opportunity for parents to become involved with the school by taking on a leadership role in various programs and school events that enrich the lives of our students and support our teachers and staff.
The HSA board is open to all parents of students at Immacolata. We meet at 8:30 am, typically on the first Monday of the month in the teachers lounge.
you’d like to join, please let us know, we’d love to have you.
Contact: H&S President, ElizabethPetty,
Some of the fun things sponsored or supported by the HSA:
Trunk or Treat and Chili Cook-Off
Catholic Schools Week Activities
1st Communion
Grandparents Day
Field Day
Picture Day
Junior Achievement
Food Drives
Parent Volunteer Coordination; room parents, lunch/recess volunteers
New Families Welcome Party
Wellness Initiatives
Various Staff Birthday Celebrations
Other special events and programs as needed.