Immacolata School
Preschool - 8th Grade

The Immacolata Chess Team
Immacolata CYC Chess registration is now open. Please read carefully as there are some changes from last year.
New this year, we will be offering Beginner Chess. Beginner Chess will meet with the regular chess team for the first 8 weeks. After the 8 weeks, Beginners will have the option to sign up for the rest of the year. This is a great opportunity for new students to try out chess before committing to the full year! Beginner chess is $25 and includes an instruction book.
Chess practice will start at the end of August and are on Tuesdays from 3:15-4:15.
Please note, new students do not have to sign up for Beginner Chess, they are welcome to go ahead and sign up for the full year.
Chess is part of the family cap, so make sure to use your discount code if you signed up for the family cap.
Beginner Chess Registration Link
Reach out to Katie Furniss with any questions!