Immacolata School
Preschool - 8th Grade

UNIFORM POLICY Archdiocesan Policy 4303.6Students are expected to dress and present an appearance consistent with standards of good taste and appropriate for school and school events. Any dress or wearing of insignia which conveys the image of gang membership, supports the beliefs of hate groups, makes sexual innuendos, or promotes drugs, alcohol, or tobacco is inappropriate for school and is not allowed.
Girls may wear rounded or pointed-collar solid white or gray blouses, knit polo shirts, or turtlenecks. Girls may also wear the gray or white polo style shirt with the Immacolata logo purchased through Just Me Apparel.
All shirts are to be tucked in at all times, except during PE and recess.
Only a plain white t-shirt may be worn under a shirt or blouse. Long- sleeved shirts may not be worn underneath short-sleeved shirts.
Girls must wear a school approved school shirt under their school approved sweatshirt.
Girls may wear Immacolata Knights sweatshirts that may be purchased in gray, red, or navy.
Girls may wear navy sweaters without any logo on them.
Girls may wear plain crew neck sweatshirts in navy or red.
An Immacolata fleece provided by Just Me Apparel is also allowed.
Eighth-graders may wear sweatshirts of their future high school only during the two weeks following acceptance.
Girls in grades Pk-5 are to wear jumpers purchased through Just Me Apparel. Girls in grades 6-8 are to wear skirts purchased through Just Me Apparel.
Skirt/jumper length may be no shorter than two inches above the knee.
Athletic shoes with ties or velcro must be worn every day, even on free dress days.
Snow/rain boots may be worn to and from school only, but students must change into athletic shoes upon arrival at school.
Girls may wear solid - colored navy, white, gray, or black socks.
Girls may wear navy twill slacks during cold weather. (They may not wear jeans, sweatpants, or cargo slacks)
Belts must be worn with slacks or uniform shorts.
Girls may also wear navy and black leggings or navy and white tights under their uniforms during cold weather.
No make-up is to be worn and hair should be kept a natural color.
Girls are not to wear excessive jewelry. A religious medal, small earrings, one ring or a simple necklace are allowed to be worn.
Boys may wear either solid white or gray knit polo shirts, long sleeve polo shirts, or turtlenecks. Boys may wear the gray or white polo shirt with Immacolata logo purchased through Just Me Apparel.
Shirts are to be tucked in at all times, except for PE and recess.
Only a plain white t-shirt may be worn under a shirt. Long-sleeved shirts may not be worn underneath short sleeved shirts.
Boys must wear a school approved shirt under a school approved sweatshirt.
Boys may wear Immacolata Knights sweatshirts that may be purchased in gray, red, and navy.
Boys may wear plain crew neck sweatshirts in navy or red.
Boys may wear an Immacolata fleece purchased through Just Me Apparel.
Eighth graders may wear sweatshirts of their future high school during the two weeks following acceptance.
Boys are to wear navy pants. (Blue jeans, sweatpants, or cargo pants are not allowed.)
Boys are to wear a belt at all times.
Athletic shoes with ties or velcro must be worn every day, even on free dress days.
Snow/rain boots may be worn to and from school only, but students must change into athletic shoes upon arrival at school.
Boys wear solid - colored navy, white, black, or gray socks.
Boys are not to wear excessive jewelry. Religious medals may be worn.
Hair should be kept a natural color.
From the beginning of the school year until October 31, and from April 1 until the end of the year, children may wear navy twill shorts, or plaid walking shorts provided by Just Me Apparel, with an approved school shirt. Shorts may not be shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Belts must be worn with shorts and shirts must be tucked in at all times.