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Immacolata School
Preschool - 8th Grade

Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us is a service group for students in grades Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd.
We make cards and crafts for children and people in the hospital, people in nursing homes, shut-ins, Veterans, Police Officers, Firefighters, military, etc. We meet on the last Monday of the month from 3:10-4:00. An email will be sent reminding you about each meeting.
Teachers in Charge:
Mrs. Flahaut, Ms. Bruns, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Huelsing, Mrs. Wheeler, Ms. Manser, & Mrs. Noonan
Enrollment fee:
$10/per child to cover the cost of snacks and card/craft materials.
Contact Mrs. Gaskell in the school office for enrollment information.
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